April 2011 - June 2013
Position: Economist.
Responsibilities: Monitoring of transactions with bank cards, detection of fraudulent transactions with "Way4" software package. Customer support during the night time. Contacts with other banks on bankcards security issues.
Location: Kazan, Tatarstan, Russia.

Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation
May 2012
Second Senior Officials' Meeting was in Kazan within the framework of the Russia's APEC chairmanship. Position: Administirator of the rooms for bilateral negotiations. Responsibilities: reservation of rooms, help during the negotiations, coordination of administrative services.
Location: Kazan, Tatarstan, Russia.

Universiade 2013 Kazan
June-July 2013
Position: Manager of the Mix-zone
Responsibilities: work with the press, organization of interviews with athletes in the Mix-zone, translation of the interviews, work with volunteers.
Location: Kazan, Tatarstan, Russia.

Hohenheim University
April 2014-Now
Position: HiWi at the chair of Banking and Financial Services
Responsibilities: work under supervision of Prof. Dr. Hans-Peter Burghof , IT-support of the chair, work with LaTeX, participation in development of exercises for Bachelor courses, editing of the Homepage.
Location: Stuttgart, Germany

Hohenheim University
May 2014-Now
Position: HiWi at the chair of Labor Economics
Responsibilities: work under supervision of Prof. Dr. Thomas Beißinger - analysis and work with the EU-SILC data with R and Stata, administrative tasks.
Location: Stuttgart, Germany